

Just wanted to make it known that I have put up some pictures.

But first this needs some explanation. There are not many pictures of Dominican streets or shacks or people or the other stuff of the nature that would give a wonderful visual of what life is like here. This is for two reasons. The first is selfish in that I don´t want to be flashing my camera around to let everyone know that the Gringo has a machine that looks like a space camera. Mainly to protect my camera from deciding to walk out of its home and not come back.

The second reason being a little more in depth and still something I haven´t quiet figured out how to deal with yet. I´m sure everyone would enjoying seeing what my barrio is like and other pictures of Dominican country side and maybe even the reality of poverty. It´s just that I can´t bring myself to whip out my $300 camera to capture a family sitting on their dirt porch when my camera is worth more then their house. It´s hard to take a picture of a person knowing that they most likely make 1 US dollar a day. Thats almost a years work for them to buy the camera I have in my hand. Or showing pictures on my camera to my host brother whos foremost desire is to get to Puerto Rico, in a raft. This is something that carries a lot more weight then a simple photo and is just one of the thoughts I have been thinking over.

Now I will probably end up getting over this, if its something to get over, and will have more pictures of life here but until then...

Saludos de la Republica Dominicana


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you're in the Peace Corps (even though we miss you!), because you are the kind of American that I want representing the rest of us. I'm glad that you're figuring everything out over there. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt, this is Sarah (Will's girlfriend). Wow it sounds like you're having the experience of a lifetime in the DR. Hope it continues going well!

Anonymous said...

Good to see another update Matty. Always glad to hear whats going on.